We’ve all been through situations that we would like to rewind and change the outcome, and this includes relationships that ended too soon. We don’t always realize how much our ex meant to us until after they have moved on. But you don’t have to feel hopeless by loving an ex who is involved with someone new. There are things you can do to improve your chances of bringing them back into your life. Here are some tips to help you steal your ex back from their new flame.
Ignore the Competition
A big mistake people make when dealing with competition is focusing too much on it. The better approach is to simply ignore the roadblocks between you and your ex. Focus on your goal of getting them back. If you are talking to your ex, don’t bring up the other person and try to ignore anything said about the subject. Instead, talk about the fun times you used to have together and keep your ex smiling. Be careful not to speak negatively about their new partner. You want to build a positive energy between you and your ex, and criticism only turns things negative.
Make Them Notice You
One of the most vital elements to getting your ex back is the process of winning them over. Remember, they have already left you for one reason or another. This means you need to give them a good reason to come back. Try changing your look or focus on being more outgoing. Build up your friendships with people in the same social circle as your ex. You want to create a buzz about yourself. People will begin to take notice of the new and improved you, which will leave your ex wondering if they didn’t made a mistake.
Keep Them Wanting More
Once you have their attention it is time to close the deal. This is where you need to rely more on your instinct and knowledge of your ex. After you are comfortably talking again, it is time to turn up the passion a notch. Gradually start to work more flirting into the mix. Be suggestive, but also be in control.
You want to get to the point of commitment before you let your guard down. This means the other flame should be out of the picture and the energy on giving your relationship another chance. If you give in too early, then your ex will be able to have the best of both worlds – by balancing you and the competition. This is why you need to build passion up to the breaking point, giving them no other option but to choose you.
The keys to getting rid of the third wheel and stealing your ex back are fairly straightforward. Ignore all of the obstacles, grab their attention, and then build enough attraction to seal the deal. These are the basic strategies to success, but you’ll want to fill in the blanks with your own creativity in order to gain the best advantage.