It is not always easy to find the motivation to get your ex back after being dumped. Your self-esteem has taken a hit and this makes it hard to feel confident about your chances of a reunion. But a negative outlook can cause you to overlook the promise of a brighter future with your ex. Here are 5 good reasons to fight to get back for your ex's love.
Learning from Mistakes
No one is perfect and it is easy to take for granted the things we have become accustomed to. Certainly you can look back at your relationship and think of things you would have done differently. Whether it was spending more time together or just listening to your partner better, understanding your faults is important. It can take a breakup to open our eyes to our mistakes. Use these insights to build a stronger relationship the next time around.
It's Easier to Start with What Works
Let's face it – it is not everyday you meet the man or woman of your dreams. Even if things were a little rocky at the end, you still know more about your ex than anyone else. You are far better off working on a broken relationship with someone you know you are compatible with as opposed to spending years on the dating scene looking for the next match. Cherish the time you had together and use those special moments to motivate you to resolve the problems.
Quitters Never Win
The most loving partnerships are bonded by both the good and bad times. In some cases, the bad times can even bring you closer together as you recognize just how important it is to have the love and trust of someone special. If you give up on your ex because they cheated on you or said something mean you might be missing out on a chance to build a deeper connection. Love isn’t always about roses and sunny days… sometimes forgiveness is the most treasured asset.
What You're Missing
Where will you be in five years? No one knows the answer to this question, but you can reflect on what you think the future will be if you and your ex get back together. If you can visualize moments like marriage and parenthood with your ex, then this is a good sign that the future can be bright. It might be worth it to look past the negatives and try to patch things up. You don’t want to think back on the situation with regret. Give it your best effort today and let destiny run its course.
People Change
Even if you blame your ex for the breakup, it is silly to think that you can never trust them again. As we grow the needs and desires within our lives change. Perhaps you or your ex has developed new interests that affected the way you interacted with each other. This is not always a bad thing, but it can ruin a relationship if one side isn’t flexible. You can't expect things to remain the same forever, but it is important to communicate through the changes. Think about what has changed in your relationship. Did the fear of new things influence your break up? If so, then perhaps changing your mindset can lead to a more fulfilling experience with your partner.
Focusing on the sadness and hurt that comes with a breakup can prevent us from seeing the true promise of a situation. You might not feel motivated to get your ex back right now, but you should think about what you might be missing. Giving up and wallowing in your sadness is the easy choice. Fighting for your lost love is much harder, but knowing you gave it your all will save you from the burden of regret in the future.