A big part of getting back together with your ex is rekindling the attraction they once had for you. You probably remember those first few weeks of your relationship where you couldn’t go five minutes without thinking about your boyfriend or girlfriend. Even when they weren’t around, they were still in your thoughts and you wondered if they had the same strong feelings.
It was this attraction and excitement that ignited your relationship… and it all started with the way you flirted with each other. You created the attraction by making them smile and laugh while sending subtle suggestions with your body language. You captured their heart as well as their curiosity.
Not only did flirting fill your ex’s heart with passion, but it also made them excited about your future together. These same techniques can be used to get your ex back, but the rules of flirting change after a breakup. Here are some guidelines to make your post-breakup flirtations more effective.
Don’t: Make things uncomfortable by throwing yourself at them.
Do: Take things slow and keep your ex wanting more.
Don’t: Bring up the past.
Do: Keep things fun, exciting, and always focused on the future.
Don’t: Get drunk and text your ex late at night (or answer their drunk texts).
Do: Send friendly and cute texts when they least expect it.
Don’t: Date someone else just to get your ex’s attention.
Do: Stay close with the friends you have in common.
Don’t: Tell everyone you are still in love with your ex.
Do: Keep tem all guessing by smiling and changing the subject.
Don’t: Ask your ex out on a private date the first time.
Do: Suggest a party or social event where you “might” see each other.
Don’t: Use sentimental texts or pictures to play with their emotions.
Do: Make new memories together with creative ideas you’ve never tried.
Don’t: Talk too much.
Do: Listen more than you talk…you’ll be surprised at what you learn about them.
Don’t: Be shy or overly emotional.
Do: Be confident in yourself, look into their eyes, and always smile.
Don’t: Go too far too soon after your breakup.
Do: Wait for them to commit before you seal the deal.
Remember that the goal of flirting with your ex is to rebuild their attraction to you. Rarely will this happen overnight so you have to be persistent…and patient. Get them to trust you first by making them feel comfortable around you. Follow this up by keeping them curious about your motives.
Don’t rely on the “old tricks” that used to make their heart melt. You want to introduce a “new and improved” version of yourself that is exciting and irresistible. If you succeed, you will build up the anticipation level to a point where they are begging YOU to come back.